Unfortunately for the many individuals impacted, sexual assault has proved to be one of the most common safety issues plaguing college campuses. A study by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), which included 5,000 college students who were enrolled in more than 100 schools, yielded results showing that 20 percent of individuals reported being raped. With more high profile cases, such as Brock Turner, a man convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman outside of a fraternity house, the issue of sexual assault has been highlighted. With this, college administrators have taken accusations of sexual assault much more seriously, resulting in harsher consequences for those found guilty.
Although many students who have been accused of sexual assault share their side of the story, believing that it will help the allegations to go away, this is not usually what transpires. Instead, an investigation will commonly come underway.
What Acts Are Considered Sexual Assault or Rape?
There are a few different acts that constitute sexual assault. These include:
- Using force or the threat of force to make a person have sexual contact without their consent
- Engaging in sexual contact with an individual who is unable to provide consent due to drugs or alcohol
- Engaging in sexual contact with someone who is incapable of consent by way of mental, intellectual, or physical disability
Rape is considered the most serious act of sexual assault and occurs when non-consensual sexual intercourse takes place. But no matter the degree of sexual assault with which you have been charged, it is imperative that you take such charges very seriously.
Investigation on Campus
Colleges and universities that receive federal funding are mandated to comply with federal laws concerning on-campus sexual assault. This includes laws such as those under the Clery Act as well as under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. These laws include strict steps that a school must take to prevent and report acts of sexual assault on campus.
If a student is found to have committed one of these acts, the school will usually impose his or her suspension or expulsion. Once you have been expelled from school for rape or sexual assault, it is very unlikely that you will be accepted into a new program by another reputable university or college.
Criminal Investigation
Aside from the penalties your school will impose if they find you to be guilty of such an act, your school will likely report the alleged crime to local law enforcement, which will then begin its own investigation. Those who are found guilty of criminal sexual assault or rape will face high fines, lengthy prison sentences, and numerous other life-long consequences.
Hancock Law Firm, PLLC Helps Those in North Carolina Who Have Been Charged with On-Campus Sexual Assault
If you or a loved one has been charged with an on-campus sexual assault, it can permanently impact the rest of your life. With so much at stake, it is so important to consult with a knowledgeable and experienced North Carolina Criminal Defense Attorney. At Hancock Law Firm, PLLC we know how serious a sex crime accusation is and will work to ensure that your rights are protected and that you are not unjustly punished. To learn more or to schedule a free consultation, contact us today!